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Monday, February 10, 2014

The Light Who Shines - 3.75/5

Review of The Light Who Shines by Lilo Abernathy

The Light Who Shines is a paranormal fantasy/romance story. I was given a free copy of this novel for a review. As always, the review is honest and reflects my true opinions of the work.

I give this book a 3.75/5. Here is my breakdown:

Characters: 5/5. This is where Lilo’s work really shines. She has created a rich, enveloping world full of characters that are real people. Their conversations are interesting, their motives are understandable, clear, and believable. The antagonist’s plans are excellent executed. Thank you for introducing me to Bluebell and Jack and Varg!

Plot/Storyline: 4/5. The plot was solid throughout, with interesting reveals and hidden secrets (to be given in the next book, I hope!) There were also many small side-plots, serving to further entrench the reader in the verisimilitude of Bluebell’s world. This book feels like a set-up novel, in that so many loose threads are waiting to be picked up.

Flow: 3/5. The story was compelling and pulled me forward – especially the last portion. My issues with the flow are twofold: one, the book is written in 1st person present tense, which is a style that I normally do not enjoy very much (the fact that I did enjoy this book is a testament to Lilo’s fascinating world!). Two: the dialogue felt strange and stilted at times – I especially noticed this with Bluebell, as she would, on occasion, speak like she had spent time rehearsing what she was going to say, even in the midst of distress and anger.

Spelling/Grammar: 4/5.  I noticed a few spelling mistakes, punctuation errors. Not many. They did not, in any way, disturb my enjoyment of the work.

Summary: 3.75/5. This is a solid work, enjoyable, entertaining, and compelling. With another round of edits (and consider changing the P.O.V. and tense!), this could move from “good” to “great.” Looking forward to the next installment!
Jason P. Crawford
Chains of Prophecy (Samuel Buckland Chronicles)

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