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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

After Halastaesia - A deeply thrilling YA story with characters you'll care about long after the story is done: 4.75/5.

     Today, I am reviewing the YA portal-fantasy novel After Halastaesia by Janina Franck. Our protagonist, Ben, is a former chosen hero who fell into the magical land of Halastaesia after being hit by a truck in our world. After being sent back, he has to adjust to the fact that he's no longer a mystical Chosen One, reconcile his former love with the girl who is drawing his attention now, and come to terms with the idea that, perhaps, none of it ever happened. 

I give this book a 4.75/5. Here is my breakdown.

Characters: 5/5. Franck really seats us in our main character's mind. We get a real sense of how Ben feels about his situation, dealing with his former life in Halastaesia and the mundanity of now. The supporting characters, especially Viv, are also treats, written effectively and well. I am also pleased by how Ben handled the "love triangle;" it's exactly what I hoped would happen.

Plot/Storyline: 4.5/5. I'm a big fan of portal fantasies, but this one took the reverse tack; in the entire book, we never get to see Halastaesia, and Franck allows us to believe, several times, that it might not be real at all. There is an element of unreliable narrator that adds spice to the story and makes it unique. I was intrigued and hooked the whole way through.

Flow: 5/5. I have rarely read a book that flows as well as this one does. Franck has put together a story that has the pauses and the beats in all the right places, ramping up the tension just like a good movie would and letting it hang when needed. I read through the whole thing in an hour and a half, and that's fast even for me.

Spelling/Grammar: 5/5. This is a well-edited piece of work. I didn't notice any grammar or spelling concerns. The sentences worked well together. Pretty flawless.

Overall: 4.75/5. Unlike some other readers I know, I am still a fan of YA fiction. This kind of book is why. When it's well-written, the emotions and characters put on the page rival anything made for a specifically older audience. The themes and motifs of the book come through in riveting, emphatic fashion. I had a great time with After Halastaesia, and would definitely read more work by Franck.

Find After Halastasia on Books2Read. 

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Talio's Codex: A thrilling, well-paced legal mystery set in a unique world with fascinating characters: 4.5/5

    Today, I am reviewing the fantasy novel Talio's Codex by J. Alexander Cohen. Our protagonist, Talio Rossa, is a former magistrate for the country of Merin, which is divided into four main cities. An incident occurred ten years ago that saw him abandon his profession and go into exile, but a request from his ex-wife brings him back...only to find himself immersed in a conspiracy that goes far deeper than he thought possible. 

CONTENT ADVISORY: This novel contains M/M sex scenes.

I give this book a 4.5/5. Here is my breakdown.

Characters: 5/5. Cohen knows how to put the reader into the characters' world, that is clear. Talio is a very human, flawed character that grows as the novel progresses. The supporting characters fulfill their functions well, and, contrary to what another reviewer has posited, they are certainly NOT cardboard cutouts. Each has their own motivations, and, like any good mystery, the twists and revelations feel genuine to each.

Plot/Storyline: 4.5/5. I love myself a good courtroom drama, and adding fantasy and magic to the mix just makes it better. Like any good detective story, the main character and associates have things to figure out; unlike many of them, this one has big social implications as well, as Talio takes up the cause of the oppressed Incarnates (a religious sect frowned upon by the rest of society). The world of Merin interacts with issues in the real world as well, including agender individuals and their rights. I thoroughly enjoyed the story.

Flow: 4.5/5. This book flows very well. I never found myself bored or confused. The text compels and demands the reader continue, and I found myself devouring pages as I got deeper in.

Spelling/Grammar: 5/5. I don't recall any significant editing errors. Everything seemed well-put together, the formatting was nice, and it was a pleasure to read.

Overall: 4.5/5.The world of Talio's Codex is a world populated by real people. Cohen has spent time and effort crafting this world and it shows. I had a great time during my read; I actually went back to the Amazon page to see if there was a sequel (there's not, yet). Well done, Mr. Cohen! Thank you for the opportunity. As an aside, I love the cover art. Who's your artist?

Find Talio's Codex on Amazon

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